
IMG_6397Rapportage in the original French means tale-telling (not telling tales!) and in English has come to mean reporting back on proceedings, such as a conference or event.

As a rapporteur, I can ensure that your event is recorded and amplified via social media, for maximum impact. Choose items for this bespoke service from the menu below:

a) Twitter campaign: a dedicated hashtag to trail the event and broadcast proceedings. Could include live streaming* and/or post-event Storifying, as well as awareness-raising, facilitated live Twitter chats pre- and post-event.

b) Keynote: a great keynote speech provokes the audience’s thinking with well-crafted, Postcards representing the Ten Components of a Thinking Environmentbeautifully illustrated words. The Thinking Environment component of attention ensures personal engagement and this has a profound impact on how much people get out of the speech. With oceans of information on the internet the purpose of public speaking has shifted, to provide stimulus to thinking. Nothing makes me happier than people in animated debate on their way to the next session! Keynotes are published on this website, so that delegates can focus without the need to take notes.

c) Facilitation: with so many ways to connect virtually these days, it’s important that when people come together every face-to-face minute counts. Pro-social facilitation such as the Thinking Environment, Restorative Practice** and Community Philosophy builds community and ensures that the best possible thinking happens.

d) Vox pops: quick captures* (audio, video or scribble) of what delegates’ freshest thinking is, at various points during the day. Helps retain focus and encourage impact beyond the day.

e) Graphics: simple, beautiful images capturing the spirit of the day, perfect for IMG_9754projecting onto the screen to guide the plenary. For a more ambitious graphic capture of the day’s events, try @mendoncapen (a proper artist). Graphics hold visual appeal which translates well to social media amplification of the event.

f) Freshest Thinking: revisit the day’s achievements (and keep delegates interested to the end) with an entertaining freshest thinking session, which draws on the experiences of delegates rather than simply rehashing the words of those speaking from the front.

g) Evaluation: avoid the collective sigh at evaluation time by investing less than ten minutes in the CIQ, which captures (verbatim) the critical thinking of delegates about their experience of the day. Meaningful feedback and worth its weight in rubies for marketing copy.

f) Resources: gather together resources celebrating the day, with videos, photographs, links and other evaluative artefacts. A highly visual padlet attracts funders, managers and other scrutineers and serves as a lasting memory of the day.


Fees negotiable, and reasonable.

*additional Digital Nurse may be required, depending on size of event.

**co-facilitated with Karol Thornton.

***based on the Critical Incident Questionnaires of Stephen Brookfield.